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Hold the Tortilla Fiesta Bowl

Fiesta Bowl

25 minutes | 4 Servings | Vegetarian, Low-Fat, High Fiber, Diabetes Friendly, Dairy-Free


1/2c uncooked, dry quinoa

1/2c uncooked, dry quick-cooking brown rice

1tsp onion powder

1T garlic powder

1/2tsp chili powder

1 yellow onion

1 green bell pepper

1c diced tomatoes

1/2c cherry tomatoes

1 roma tomato (sliced)

1c black beans

1c avocado (sliced)

2c cilantro

1c salsa


  1. Wash the tomatoes, cilantro and green pepper. Slice the onion, tomato and avocado into thin slices. Dice the green pepper into bite sized pieces. Dry the cilantro.
  2. Heat a saucepan to medium high heat. Add 1tsp of olive or avocado oil. Sauté the onion, green pepper and cherry tomatoes until clear.
  3. Add the onion powder, garlic powder and chili powder and stir. Add the quinoa and brown rice.
  4. Pour 2c of water over the heated mixture and close the lid on the saucepan. Simmer over low to medium heat for 20 minutes or until the rice and quinoa are cooked.
  5. Divide and assemble the beans, avocado, cilantro and tomato around the edges of 4 bowls. Plate the quinoa and rice mixture in the center. Top with salsa, if desired.


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